AGACSE 2008 Tutorial

17 August

8:55-9:00 Opening (D. Hildenbrand)

Introduction to GA
09:00-11:00 Structure Preserving Representation of Euclidean Motions through Conformal Geometric Algebra (L. Dorst)
11:00 -11:30 Coffee break

Programming and Visualization, Exercises (C. Perwass, D. Fontijne, L. Dorst, D. Hildenbrand)

Presentation and exercises with laptops of

                      11:30 - 12:15 Programming with Gaigen (D. Fontijne)
12:15 - 13:00 Visualizing GA with CLUCalc 5 (C. Perwass)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

Programming and Application I
14:30-15:00 Applications with CLuCalc (D. Hildenbrand/ E. Hitzer)
- Robot kinematics example
- Interactive 3D Space Group Visualization
15:00-15:30 Programming the multivector product for large N (I. Bell)
15:30-16:15 Clifford, A Maple Programm for Clifford Algebra Computing
(R. Ablamowicz
16:15-16:45 Coffee break

Programming and Application II
16:45-17:15 Gaalop, Geometric algebra algorithms optimizer ( J.Pitt/ D.Hildenbrand)
17:15-18:15 Fourier and Wavelet Transformations in Geometric Algebra (E.Hitzer)
18:15-19:00 GA Neural Networks (K. Tachibana / E. Hitzer)

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