Matti Berthold


PyArg [code] [documentation]

ForgettingWeb [code]

Forgetting via ASP


R.Baumann, M.Berthold, D.Gabbay, O.Rodrigues: Forgetting in Abstract Argumentation: Limits and Possibilities
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 82

M.Berthold, Q.Manière: A Gentle Introduction to the Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programs
(Video@KR-24) (best video award) (people's choice award)

M.Berthold, A.Rapberger, M.Ulbricht: Capturing Non-flat Assumption-based Argumentation with Bipolar SETAFs

M.Berthold: On Syntactic Forgetting with relativized Strong Persistence

M.Berthold, M.Ulbricht: On Forgetting in Assumption-Based Argumentation

D.Odekerken, A.Borg, M.Berthold: Demonstrating PyArg 2.0

M.Berthold, A.Rapberger, M.Ulbricht: On the Expressive Power of Assumption-Based Argumentation

M.Berthold, A.Rapberger, M.Ulbricht: Forgetting Aspects in Assumption-Based Argumentation

D.Odekerken, A.Borg, M.Berthold: Accessible Algorithms for Applied Argumentation

M.Berthold, M.Knorr, D.Odekerken: ForgettingWeb [pdf]

M.Berthold: On Syntactic Forgetting with Strong Persistence [proofs]
(KR-22) (best student paper runner-up)

R.Baumann, M.Berthold: Limits and Possibilities of Forgetting in Abstract Argumentation [preprint]

R.Baumann, M.Berthold: Limits and Possibilities of Forgetting in Abstract Argumentation

M.Berthold, R.Gonçalves, M.Knorr, J.Leite: A Syntactic Operator for Forgetting that Satisifes Strong Persistence [preprint]
(ICLP-19) Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Volume 19, Special Issue 5-6

M.Berthold, R.Gonçalves, M.Knorr, J.Leite: Forgetting in Answer-Set Programming with Anonymous Cycle [preprint]

M.Berthold: Extending the DIAMOND System to work with GRAPPA


Wintersemester 20/21:Wissensrepräsentation Praktikum
Sommersemester 2020:Spurtheorie
Wintersemester 19/20:Diskrete Strukturen
Sommersemester 2019:Logik