The workshop "Visualization in Environmental Sciences 2020" (EnvirVis 2020) is a co-located event of EuroVis 2020 and invites both contributions in the field of visualization and visual data integration with a broad application area in environmental research.
In the previous years, research in environmental sciences has become more and more important as we are faced with increasing problems concerning climate change, water scarcity, pollution of the environment or changes in biodiversity. Visualization of complex monitoring or remote sensing data, or results from simulation of natural phenomena such as groundwater processes or migration of animal species under changing natural conditions is a crucial step for a better understanding of the measured data. It is essential for discovering correlations and communicate research results to the public. However, as data sets are often large and highly heterogeneous, visualization is a complex task. In addition, there are often large differences in the spatial and temporal resolution of data sets, the quality of measurements needs to be validated, inconsistencies between data sets need to found and - if possible - fixed, and multiple data sets might need to be integrated for numerical simulations. The amount of data and the heterogeneity of the information are also key challenges for simulation and the subsequent understanding of research results. Besides applying established visualization techniques to geoscientific data, advances are also made with the help of high-performance computing, virtual reality environments as well as specialized hardware.
The EnvirVis workshop invites contributions with a broad application area in environmental research from both visualization and environmental sciences. Our goal is to raise awareness to the importance of visualisation in geosciences and to establish a forum for interdisciplinary discussions. Addressed application areas include, but are not limited to
The EnvirVis workshop will be held in conjunction with the EuroVis 2020 Conference, preceding the main conference.
Papers can be submitted using the Precision Conference Management System.
A submission should be between 4 and 8 pages long including references. A submissions has to be work that has not been published elsewhere previously.
Papers will be published online at the Eurographics Digital Library. After the Workshop, the authors of selected papers will be asked concerning publication in the Springer Journal "Environmental Earth Sciences", indexed both via Scopus and ISI.
In order to submit the camera-ready EnvirVis 2020 Papers, authors need to prepare their submissions as a PDF file using the EnvirVis 2020 Papers LaTeX2e style. If you have any questions concerning the format please send us an e-mail.
After uploading the camera-ready version of your paper, please send a copy of the EG License Agreement to EuroGraphics to allow the publication of your paper in the workshop proceedings at the EuroGraphics Digital Library.