Villa Ida

LNAI 3873
"Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape"
TMRA'05 - International Workshop on
Topic Maps Research and Applications
The Westin, Leipzig, Germany
6-7th October 2005
TMRA'05 is sponsored by
Logo Emnekart
Report in Semantic Web
FactBook 2005
Press Release [PDF]
TMRA'05 Flyer [PDF]
Sponsors of TMRA'05
Logo Leipziger Medienstiftung
Logo Ontopia
October, 18 2005
The slides of TMRA'05 are now online available.
October, 7 2005
Lars Marius Garshol blogged all talks of the second day of TMRA'05.
October, 6 2005
Lars Marius Garshol blogged all talks of the first day of TMRA'05.
Sponsors of TMRA'05
Logo Jubik
How to become a sponsor ...

See the TMRA 2006 website!
Submission Guidelines
All final papers (full papers and work-in-progress reports) must be received no later than 29th August 2005.
Two kinds of submissions were accepted: full papers (which will be published in the proceedings) and work-in-progress reports (accepted as short papers; intended to be published in the proceedings).

Please adhere stricly to the LNCS format.

You wil find at the LNCS page layout templates for LATEX and all current word processors. It is absolutely necessary that you use these templates.
Full papers should describe original research results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be evaluated for scientific or technical contribution, originality, appropriateness, and significance. Full papers should not exceed 12 pages (min. 8 pages) in the LNCS format.
Work-in-progress reports refer to Topic Map research issues. It is intended to publish work-in-progress reports in the proceedings, too. Work-in-progress reports should not exceed 6 pages (min. 4 pages) in the LNCS format.
All submissions must be in English. Submissions should be made electronically in PDF and submitted via email. At least one author for accepted paper should register for the workshop and present the paper.
Please submit the final version of your contributions via the conference management system.
Before submission you might have to register as a new author to the conference management system. Please be aware: A registration as a new author to the conference management system is NOT a registration to TMRA'05! If you have question in regarding to the submission process please contact us.

If you are interested in the TMRA series please subscribe to the newsletter at the TMRA 2006 website.
TMRA'05 is chaired by Lutz Maicher. Please see the program committee.
Author: Lutz Maicher. Last update: 22.03.2005