Frequently asked questions
- Q: How do I stop the program?
A: To stop the program gracefully please use vd-stop.bat (if you have started the program
with vd-start.bat) or use the button "Quit" (if the program was started with setup.bat).
You may also stop it with Ctrl-C
- Q: I got the error message that the command 'java' (or 'jre') cannot be found.
A: Check that you have the Java Runtime Environment installed on your system and the interpreter
is in your path. If JRE is not installed you have to download it
and install it on your computer.
- Q: The server was started but my browser says it cannot find the server.
A: You may need to refresh the page in your browser
- Q: I got the error 'Class not found: vietdict.server.VietdictServer'
A: Verify that vietdictNN.jar is in your classpath.
- Q: The program cannot be started. A command window appears and goes away instantly
A: Check the error message on the screen and the files in the folder TuDienHND\logs
- Q: It seems that some databases are not found
A: Check the error message on the screen and the files in the folder TuDienHND\logs
- Q: When starting the server in debug mode I got the error message:
Cannot init: Address already in use
A: Check if the server or another program is currently running at port 8080. If so, stop them.
If the port 8080 is occupied by another program that you cannot stop or do not want to stop, you can choose
aother port for the server. For example, you can start the program at port 8082 by editing
the file TuDienHND\conf\
. Just change the line http_port = 8080
to http_port = 8082
. The next time the browser is started you can access
the server with your browser at address http://localhost:8082
- Q: The server cannot find some words in the database. (I can access all indexed words
but not by word=XXX
A: Your database index may not be sorted correctly. Please sort it with:
java -cp vietdict.jar org.dict.server.DatabaseFactory iniFile databaseID
where iniFile
is the name of your configuration file and databaseID the ID
of the database you would like to sort.