Manfred Droste

Portrait Droste         

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Droste

Professor at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Leipzig

Head of the Research Group Automata and Formal Languages

Director of the Graduate Centre Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences

Vice-speaker of the DFG-Research Training Group Quantitative Logics and Automata

Elected to Academia Europaea

Honorary doctorate (Dr. h.c.) of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia)

Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)


Research interests Theoretical computer science
Automata theory, logic, algebraic models for concurrent systems, domain theory

Model theory, automorphism groups, ordered algebraic structures

Address, Telephone, email; for students; Erasmus
Physical address     University of Leipzig
Institute of Computer Science
Room A422
Augustusplatz 10
04109 Leipzig

Postal address     University of Leipzig
Institute of Computer Science
PF 100920
04109 Leipzig

Phone +49-341-97 32200
+49-341-97 32287 (Secretary)

Fax +49-341-97 32209

e-mail [My last name] @

For students Office hours after appointment

Erasmus Abteilungswebsite


Andrea Hesse

PD Dr. Karin Quaas

Dr. Erik Paul
Maria Arndt
Matti Berthold
Dr. Sven Dziadek
Gustav Grabolle
Danil Kiryakin
Fabian Tronicke


Former PhD students and habilitations

Former PhD students

Dr. Kay Nüßler
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kuske
Prof. Dr. Paolo Boldi
Dr. Ralph Kummetz
Dr. Ingmar Meinecke
Prof. Dr. Ina Fichtner
Dr. Christian Mathissen
PD Dr. Karin Quaas
Dr. Vitaly Perevoshchikov
Dr. Thomas Weidner
Dr. Parvaneh Babari
Prof. Dr. Doreen Straß
Dr. Stefan Dück
Dr. Erik Paul
Dr. Sven Dziadek


Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kuske
PD Dr. Daniel Kirsten
PD Dr. Karin Quaas

Workshop series WATA

International workshop series "Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications" funded 2002 jointly with Prof. Dr. Heiko Vogler (TU Dresden)

The workshop covers all aspects of weighted automata, ranging from the theory of weighted automata and quantitative logics to applications for real-time systems and natural language processing. The aim is to present tutorials and survey lectures by outstanding scientists in this area, including technical presentations of participants.

The workshop is fee-free and has led to 8 special issues of international journals.

Membership in editorial boards

Forum Mathematicum

SN Computer Science

Information Sciences

Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics

Facta Universitatis

Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (2007-2013)

Semantic Structures in Computation (book series), Kluwer Academic Publishers

Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (book series), World Scientific Publishers

Special issue of "Natural Language Engineering"

Invited lecture series

Immanuel Kant University, Kaliningrad, lecture series, 2 weeks, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021

International Fall School in Formal Languages and Applications, Tarragona, 2011

International Spring School in Formal Languages and Applications, Tarragona, 2012

Projects (selected)

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg: Quantitative Logics and Automata

DFG-Projekt 2019/2020 zum Aufbau internationaler Kooperationen mit Serbien

DFG - Weighted automata and weighted logics for discrete structures (DFG - German Research Foundation)

DFG-Projekt 2014/2015 zum Aufbau internationaler Kooperationen mit China

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2018/19 “Mathematische Methoden der Kryptographie und Kodierungstheorie”

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2017/18 “Dekodierungsalgorithmen, algebraische Geometrie und Computersicherheit”

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2015/16 “Dekodierungsalgorithmen, Computersicherheit, Numerische Methoden”

DAAD-Hungarian project 2014-2015 “Theory and Applications of Automata”

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2013/2014 “Algorithmen für Realzeitsysteme und in der Kryptographie”

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2011/2012 “Algorithmen für Modelle in der Kodierungstheorie, Kryptographie und Robotik”

DAAD-Leonhard-Euler-Projekt 2010/2011 “Algorithmen für Modelle in der reinen und angewandten Mathematik”

DFG-Projekt 2010/2011 und 2011/2012 zur Initiierung und Intensivierung binationaler Kooperation mit Thailand

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Wissensrepräsentation" (Uni Leipzig)

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Spezifikation diskreter Prozesse und Prozesssysteme durch operationelle Modelle und Logiken" (TU Dresden)

Conferences hosted and Dagstuhl seminars organized Conferences hosted

Jewels of Automata Theory
Sep 16-18, 2024, Bordeaux

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
Oct 4–7, 2023, Leipzig

Jewels of Automata: from Mathematics to Applications (AutoMathA 2020/2021/2022)
Oct 12–15, 2021, Paris, postponed

Theorietag 2021 (Tagung der GI-Fachgruppe "Automaten und Sprachen")
Sep 20–21, 2021, online

Recent Advances of Quantitative Models in Computer Science
June 22-23, 2021, Thessaloniki

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
April 14–17, 2020, CIRM Marseille virtual, April 20–23, 2021

May 18–20, 2020, Fountainebleau, France, postponed due to Covid-19

Conference on Algebraic Informatics (CAI 2019)
June 30–July 4, 2019, Nis University, Serbia

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 22–26, 2018, Leipzig

New Pathways between Group Theory and Model Theory
Feb 1–4, 2016, Mülheim

Groups and Topological Groups
July 30–31, 2015, Dresden

ALFA 2015
June 15–17, 2015, Bordeaux, France

Jewels of Automata: from Mathematics to Applications (AutoMathA 2015)
May 6–9, 2015, Leipzig

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 5–9, 2014, Leipzig

Groups and Topological Groups
June 7–8, 2013, Leipzig

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 29–June 2, 2012, Dresden

Groups and Model Theory
May 30–June 3, 2011, Mülheim

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 3–7, 2010, Leipzig

Groups and Topological Groups
June 20–21, 2008, Leipzig

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 13–16, 2008, Dresden

Theorietag "Automaten und Formale Sprachen"
September 27–29, 2007, Leipzig

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
March 27–31, 2006, Leipzig

Groups and Topological Groups
July 2–3, 2004, Leipzig

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
June 1–5, 2004, Dresden

Groups and Topological Groups
June 27–29, 2002, Dresden

Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
March 4–8, 2002, Dresden

EURESCO Conference "Algebra and Discrete Mathematics"
August 18–23, 2001, Hattingen

Colloquium on Ordered Groups
August 16, 2001, Dresden

Conference "Algebra, Model Theory and Theoretical Physics"
February 9–11, 2001, Essen

Colloquium "Logicum 2000"
September 22–24, 2000, Dresden

Logic and Algebra in Concurrency
September 13–16, 2000, Dresden

AAA60 (Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra)
June 22–25, 2000, Dresden

Traces and Logic
November 3-5, 1997, Dresden

6.GI-Theorietag: "Automaten und Formale Sprachen"
November 18-20, 1996, Dresden

Algebra and Model Theory
June 8-10,1995, Dresden

Algebra and Model Theory
June 9-11,1994, Essen

Dagstuhl seminars organized

Semirings in Databases, Automata, and Logic
February 16-21, 2025

Quantitative Models: Expressiveness, Analysis, and New Applications
January 20–24, 2014

Quantitative Models: Expressiveness and Analysis
January 17–22, 2010

Logic, Algebra, and Formal Verification of Concurrent Systems
November 26–December 1, 2000

Domain Theory and its Applications
June 4-8, 1998

Semantics of Concurrent Systems - Foundations and Applications
May 6-11,1996

Semantics of Programing Languages and Algebra
June 6-11,1993

Semantics of Programing Languages and Model Theory
June 23-29,1991

Program Committee Membership

RP 2021
LATA 2020 & 2021
CAI 2019 (co-chair)
CTRQ 2019
LATA 2019
CTRQ 2018
LATA 2018
MFCS 2017
KIMfest 2017
CIAA 2017
CAI 2017 (chair Automata Theory and Logic)
CTRQ 2017
DLT 2016
Int. School-Conf. on Group Theory 2016
Int. Conf. on Algebra and Logic 2016
ATA 2016
CTRQ 2016
CAI 2015
CTRQ 2015
DLT 2015
AutoMathA 2015 (co-chair; local chair)
Highlights 2014
MFCS 2014
CIAA 2014
CSR 2014
CTRQ 2014
CSR 2013
CTRQ 2013
DLT 2012
CTRQ 2012
Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2012
AFL 2011
CTRQ 2011
DLT 2011
LATA 2011
ICALP 2010
3rd CTRQ 2010
Logical Approaches to Barriers in Computing and Complexity 2010

Administration and reviewing Administration

Berufungsbeauftragter des Rektorats (2012 - 2023)

Mitglied der Forschungskommission der Universität Leipzig (2014 - 2022)

Mitglied der Graduiertenkommission der Universität Leipzig (2006 - 2022)

Direktor des Graduiertenzentrums Mathematik/Informatik und Naturwissenschaften der Research Academy Leipzig (2014 - 2022)

ERASMUS-Beauftragter der Fakultät (2018 - 2023)

Mitglied des Promotionsausschusses Informatik (2011 - 2019)

Mitglied der Prüfungskommission Informatik (2009 - 2022)

Mitglied der Studienkommission Informatik (2006 - 2009)

Vize-Sprecher des DFG Graduiertenkollegs „Quantitative Logiken und Automaten (QuantLA)” (2012 - 2022)

Mitglied des Fakultätsrates (2005 - 2013)

Reviewing for research organizations

European Research Council, EPSRC (Britain), CNRS (France), FRS-FNRS (Belgium), GACR (Czechia), Academy of Finland, NCSTE (Kasachstan), Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, RSF (Russia), NIH (USA), NSERC (Canada), Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, DFG, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, and others

Reviewing for professorial appointment, habilitation, and PhD committees

Various times in Britain, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Czechia, Serbia, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Malaysia, China, USA, Germany