Projects and Funding

  • 07/2022 – 06/2027 principal investigator (Heisenberg position) in PEAR – Principles of Expressive Argumentation funded by DFG (BA 6170/3-1) [->]
    project leader: me

  • 11/2019 – 12/2024 principal investigator in ArgX – Argument-based Explanations for Trusted AI (part of ScaDS.AI) funded by BMBF (01IS18026B) and Free State of Saxony []
    project leader: me and G. Brewka []

  • 05/2019 – 04/2022 principal investigator in FAME – A Framework for Argument Mining and Evaluation funded by DFG (BA 6170/2-1) []
    project leader: me and G. Wiedemann []

  • 10/2018 – 04/2019 visiting research fellow at King's College London collaborating with D. Gabbay [] and O. Rodrigous [] focusing on Relations between Metalevel and Objectlevel Operators in Classical Logics funded by DAAD (57407370) []
    project leader: me

  • 2017- 2020 project partner in EMBArg – Extending Methods in Belief Change to Advance Dynamics in Argumentation funded by FWF (P 30168) []
    project leader: J. Wallner []

  • 2016-2018 project partner in GRAPPA – A Semantical Framework for Graph-Based Argument Processing funded by DFG (BR 1817/7-2) and FWF (I 2854) []
    project leader: G. Brewka [] and S. Woltran []

  • 2013-2016 project partner in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks: Advanced Tools for Formal Argumentation funded by DFG (BR 1817/7-1) and FWF (I 1102) []
    project leader: G. Brewka [] and S. Woltran []
