8.3.2001, 11.00-12.30, Felix Klein-Hörsaal, HG 4-24

Im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs Wissensrepräsentation
Intelligent Information Modeling and Management
Prof. Mary-Anne Williams, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Information modeling and management are fundamental to decision making, and in this talk I will describe systems that support decision making in environments where the information is uncertain, incomplete or liable to change. The main idea is to model the plausibility of the information and the preferences of the decision maker to improve the decision outcome when ambiguities or inconsistencies arise. More specifically, I will briefly outline the area of belief revision and describe some specific techniques that are used to model and manage consumer preferences in Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship Management applications. A wide range of problems involve decision making in environments where uncertainty, incompleteness and change are prevalent, and as a result techniques in belief revision can be used in a wide variety of applications, e.g. information filtering, intelligent payment systems, intelligent interfaces, intelligent tutoring systems, and integrating information from multiple sources. It turns out that integration is a generalised form of belief revision; instead of incorporating a new piece of information into a knowledge base by computing the "most important" information from the knowledge base that is compatible, we build a new knowledge base by fusing the "most important" compatible information from each knowledge base.
A web-based belief revision demo system is available at http://ebusiness.newcastle.edu.au/saten It is written in Java and is currently being incorporated into the agent-oriented system JADE to be evaluated for ebusiness applications. Information about JADE can be found at http://sharon.cselt.it/projects/jade/