Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG
Vortragsserie zu Parallelverarbeitung und Komplexen Systemen

Donnerstag, 09.11.2000, 17:30, SG 00-90

Computer Systems Department
Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"Parallel Programming Support for Computational Grids"


Computational grids functionally integrate globally distributed computers into a universal source of computing power. A major application area of grids is the field of high-performance computing (HPC). Here, multiple clusters or supercomputers are coupled via wide-area networks in order to solve large problems in parallel. In order to efficiently use their grid resources, programmers of parallel applications have to take the limited performance of wide-area connections into account. In the Albatross project, we develop supportive tools and environments for HPC grid applications.

This talk will highlight two of our systems. The first one is the MagPIe library, implementing the collective communication operations from the MPI message passing standard. By taking network performance information into account, MagPIe enables efficient communication in grid environments. The second one is the Manta high-performance Java system. Manta consists of a native compiler and a runtime system providing highly efficient remote method invocation (RMI) and object replication (RepMI). The usefulness of both systems for grid environments will be discussed using a set of application kernels.

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